Welcome to Easing Period Pains Naturally
Be Yourself, Again.

Our Hormone Health Experts will guide you in easing your period pains naturally. All treatment is via phone consults and email. No need to travel to a clinic.
Are Painful Periods “Normal”?
For many of us, periods are usually painful. Some of the symptoms we go through are:
- Cramping
- Tender or swollen breasts
- Muscle pains (back, legs, etc)
- Digestive Problems
- Acne
- Bad Moods
We accept that this is “normal” and try our best to go about our routine. But did you know-traditional health wisdom, including Ayurveda, suggests that there should be absolutely no pain. Each period should almost take a woman by surprise!
Furthermore, for some of us, the pain is so bad that it affects our ability to function. You may be hardly able to get out of bed. Please don’t accept or ignore debilitating pain. It is always a sign of an underlying imbalance, deficiency or health condition.
How Sepalika is different
We customize our program to address your unique needs. We’ll help you pinpoint the exact cause of your pain and solve it
We address the root causes by tapping into the unexpected interconnections among various systems in your body
We’re completely online for your convenience and safety
Have a question or worry? Email us anytime over weekdays (10am-6pm) – no appointments needed
No temporary band-aids for just pain. You get freedom from period pain, from its very root!
Why are periods so painful?
Here’s what’s going on in your body every month:

- Your body produces
female sex hormones - Uterus lining thickens to prepare for a
possible baby - When there’s no pregnancy,
the uterus sheds its lining out
through the vagina
This is your period in a nutshell. So why does it hurt? The muscles of your uterus need to contract and work hard to push the unused lining out. Therefore, you feel mild cramps. This is how it should work, when your body is in good health.
However, heavy cramps and debilitating pain are not normal. They could be a result of lymphatic stress. Your lymphatic system is responsible for draining waste from various parts of your body. According to Ayurveda, your body undergoes complete detoxification during your menstrual period. This puts a lot of pressure on your lymphatic system, causing pain and discomfort in multiple parts of your body.
Additionally, your pain could be due to hormonal imbalances including conditions like PCOD. Sometimes, there are even more serious issues like endometriosis or uterine fibroids, which the Sepalika program is unable to address.
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Why Your Current Treatment May Not Be Working
Painkillers work for some women, but if you use them too often, your body stops responding to them. Many women also resort to muscle relaxants – these often have names that end with “spaz”, which means they reduce muscle ‘spasms’. This too does not fix the root cause, because the underlying hormonal imbalance remains uncorrected, while only the pain is masked.
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How We Help?
Most period pain is caused by a hormonal imbalance; usually, there is too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. The sepalika programme reduces excess estrogen production by balancing your diet and gives you supplements and acutherapy that help your body eliminate excess estrogen, without pain. This way, we treat the root causes of your pain and save you from greater complications like endometriosis and fibroids later in life.
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How To Get Started?

Talk to Us & Register
Have a call with us to know how we work. Make program payment. Start program from comfort of your home.

Give us Your Medical History
Fill out a medical history form, do a blood test and have a detailed call with our medical expert.

Receive customized prescription
on your diet, supplements, lifestyle, etc. Explanations sent via text, images & videos.

Follow Up Consults
happen each month. Health progress reviewed. Changes made, when needed.
Ask questions on chat/mail. (working hours only please)
Program Details
What you can expect
3 Months
- One fixed consult call each month with an expert from Sepalika team.
- Two additional calls you can request for during the 3 months.
- Analysis of lab reports & medical history.
- Explanation of health imbalance & roadmap to recovery.
- Customised prescription: Dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbs), nutrition guidelines, magnet acutherapy protocols (where required; kit will be couriered), lifestyle solutions and Ayurvedic home remedies.
- Access to therapists anytime on email (10am-6pm, Mon-Fri).
- Please connect on WhatsApp +91 9867337112 for details.
- Vitamin and mineral supplements we may recommend based on your blood tests. These can be bought at an online store.
- Blood tests, as prescribed
- Additional tests for any unusual new symptoms during the program.
Take your 1st step to Vibrant Health
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We Believe in Addressing Root Cause of Painful Periods
Our clients have seen*…

Reduced pain intensity with natural interventions

Fewer days of pain as hormones are balanced
Lesser use of chemical medicines like painkillers and muscle relaxants

Lesser bloating and better digestion as diet becomes less inflammatory

Fewer days off work as period health improves
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Sepalika Transformation Stories
What can I Expect from Painful Periods Journey with Sepalika?
Depending on the severity and the underlying causes of your pain, you will see improvements within two or three period cycles. Some heal soon, while others take longer.
The typical modern lifestyle wreaks havoc on the hormones and the lymphatic system. It also leaves us deficient in key vitamins and minerals that our body uses to fight pain. We’ll help you incorporate gradual, healthy and sustainable changes to overcome period pain.
If you’re overweight, we’ll help you drop the kilos safely and sustainably. This will help balance hormones. But please don’t aim for rapid weight loss, because it can be unsafe.
If you’re on hormonal allopathic pills, we will ask you to go off them, so that they don’t interfere with your body’s attempts to come back to its natural hormone balance.
Changing your lifestyle isn’t a quick fix. We know how challenging it can be, but we promise your patience and consistency will pay off!
Your Expert Care Team
Finest care from our top care specialists

Sharda Agarwal
Co-founder, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (USA), Functional Blood Chemistry Analyst

Mahesh Jayaraman
Co-founder & Chief Medical Therapist, Mastery in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (USA)

Dr.Kalpana Mahabalesh
Consulting OBGYN

Gini Johnson
Health Admin

Payal Doshi
Health Admin

Gurpriya Singh
Medical Therapist
Diploma in Acupressure & Dietary Supplements Advisory

Leon Sra
Head Nutritionist
M.Sc Clinical Nutrition,
University College London

Dr. Vivek Kadambi
Consulting Expert
Advanced Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Certified by World link Medical Academy, USA

Dr.Sandhya T L
Consulting Integrative Counsellor
MBBS, Masters Of Social Science Counselling
Painful Periods Resources
Learn more about this condition
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