Apoorva Pagar, Author at Sepalika

About: Apoorva Pagar

Apoorva is a health & well being enthusiast who believes in eating fresh and eating right. She's an obsessive dancer who also enjoys an occasional yoga and boot-camp class. She is willing to spend hours hunting down a healthy but delicious smoothie!

Posts by Apoorva Pagar:

  • The Ultimate List of Effective Home Remedies for PCOS, 03 Sep 2020 in Lifestyle & Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

    PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome is one of the most common hormonal disorders that women are facing today. Surprisingly there are a huge percentage of women who are going through this disorder and are also fighting it back. But there are alternatives to popping a pill, which are home remedies […]

  • 14 Super Foods For A Mood Lift, 12 Jan 2018 in Living Well

    Fatigue affects your physical as well as mental well-being. It can be detrimental to your precious immune systems, making you vulnerable to illness and depression. When you’re tired, you may want to steer towards a coffee, but that will only give you a brief emotional lift. Give yourself and your immune system a push with […]

  • 13 Reasons Why You Should Add Chia Seeds To Your Diet!, 09 Jan 2018 in Living Well

    They may seem tiny but chia seeds are powerhouses of energy and nourishment. ‘Chia’ in ancient Mayan means ‘strength.’ Let’s look at the numerous health benefits of chia seeds. What Are Chia Seeds? Wholesome and easy to prepare, chia is an edible seed. It comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the […]

  • Amazing Benefits of Cucumber Water For A Healthy Life!, 29 Nov 2017 in Living Well

    As the saying goes “You are what you eat.” This is a lifelong mantra for the ones who love eating healthy and staying fit. If the saying is true, wouldn’t it be great to be cool and crisp like a cucumber? Or in fact more like the refreshing cucumber water that is one of the […]

  • 12 Reasons Why Dandelion Tea Should Be Your Favorite New Tea!, 19 Nov 2017 in Living Well

    Everyone loves to unwind at the end of the day with a piping hot cup of tea. So, why not unwind with a tea which is not only relaxing but also full of nutrients and antioxidants? The dandelion root has a long history of therapeutic and medicinal use. It is filled with antioxidants, is safe […]

  • 18 Healthy Reasons To Eat Avocados, 06 Nov 2017 in Living Well

    Avocados can be termed as the superfood of the last decade! From creating photogenic toasts to nutritious smoothies, the health benefits of avocados are endless. Let’s find out more about the nutritional benefits of avocados. Lower Blood Pressure Potassium is a very important nutrient but most people don’t get enough of it. Getting an adequate […]

  • Stop Carrying Your Mobile Phone To The Loo!, 15 Oct 2017 in Living Well

    There is so much to do and so little time! You have to check your Instagram stories, Whatsapp messages, stroll through Facebook or even complete the next level of your game. So, your best friend in the loo is your phone. Who wants to waste 20 minutes where you basically are free, right? So wrong! […]

  • Fibromyalgia: Live Beyond The Pain, 29 Sep 2017 in Living Well

    In September 2017, Lady Gaga announced that she has canceled her European tour, a week before it was due. The reason: Severe physical pain that impacted her ability to perform. This had the world thinking, was this due to fibromyalgia, the condition Gaga has been suffering from (The Netflix documentary, ‘Gaga: Five Foot Two’ talks […]

  • PCOS And Depression: Causes & Tips To Overcome The Symptoms, 24 Sep 2017 in Health Problems & Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

    Depression seems to be a common link that keeps raising its head within women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS.) There are millions of women in the world who suffer from PCOS, so don’t feel you are alone out there. Read on if you are looking to overcome this hidden and sneaky symptom naturally without […]

  • Omega 3 For PCOS: 13 Ways It Can Help You, 18 Sep 2017 in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome & Treatments

    You’ve likely heard about the many health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. But one of its major benefits is for women who suffer from PCOS. Let’s dive deeper into the world of PCOS and how Omega 3 saves the day. 13 Benefits Of Omega 3 For PCOS Women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) have […]