Lisa DiFalco | Senior Health Writer

About: Lisa DiFalco

Lisa is a New York state licensed massage therapist who uses a whole-body approach to help her clients achieve good health and wellness through proper nutrition and exercise. She has worked alongside chiropractors in delivering wellness care to patients.

Posts by Lisa DiFalco:

  • RDA And Dietary Supplements: What Doses Are Needed For Optimal Health?, 20 Jun 2016 in Living Well

    What Is RDA And What Does It Miss? According to the Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Recommended Recommended Daily Allowance of Nutrients or RDA is “the average daily intake of a nutrient judged sufficient to meet the requirements of most healthy people, categorized by gender and age.” So the RDA is based […]

  • What You Really Need: A Personalized RDA, 20 Jun 2016 in Living Well

    It is critical to bear in mind that multiple factors can affect individual daily allowances of vitamins and minerals, including the use of prescription medications and lifestyle. These cannot be accounted for in an RDA determined for a general population. For example, if you are under extreme stress, you may need far more Vitamin C […]