Maneesha Kapoor, Author at Sepalika

About: Maneesha Kapoor

To balance her sedentary corporate lifestyle of over 2 decades, Manisha was in a forever search for a fitness regime that was effective. This is what led to her co-founding Syybol, a dance and fitness community, aimed at making physical fitness and weight loss fun for people. Manisha, along with the other co-founder of Syybol, Ashraf Sayed, have designed a special dance routine for Sepalika which is based on the principles of the world-renowned Aviva Method, that helps women in regulating their reproductive system.

Posts by Maneesha Kapoor:

  • Dance: An Excellent Exercise For Hormonal Imbalance, 02 Nov 2017 in Exercise & Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

    PCOD is an increasingly common, yet misunderstood condition. PCOD is essentially a lifestyle disorder that results from hormonal imbalance. A healthy lifestyle goes a long way in managing or even reversing this condition. Exercise is one of the key pillars in managing many lifestyle disorders, and PCOD is no different. Let’s look at why dance […]