Rachelle Chandraan | Health Writer

About: Rachelle Chandraan

Rachelle is a writer who has a deep appreciation of the way the human body works. She has authored more than two thousand articles in the area of health for both online and print publications.

Posts by Rachelle Chandraan:

  • 9 Common Diabetic Diet Myths Busted!, 14 Nov 2016 in Diet Guide & Principles & Type 2 Diabetes

    According to the 2014 Diabetes Statistics Report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 29.1 million Americans are diabetic. That could explain the ton of information out there about what diabetics can and cannot eat, how many times they should eat, and so on. There are many theories of what causes diabetes. We believe that […]

  • Iodine Supplements – Lost Key to Great Health?, 28 Oct 2016 in Living Well

    Why Iodine? Iodine is a trace element that we need in only small quantities every day. But if we don’t get it even if in the form of iodine supplements, the health consequences can be quite severe, even bordering on fatal. That’s why governments across the world have initiated nation-wide programmes to add iodine to […]

  • 3 Simple Ways To Fight Osteoporosis During Menopause, 03 Oct 2016 in Osteoporosis

    What Is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis, literally meaning porous bones, is a major health concern amongst the ageing population. As people age, the bone mass density (BMD) tends to decline. This is more pronounced amongst menopausal women, with a majority of postmenopausal women showing signs of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis increases the tendency of fracture due to age-related calcium […]