Fertility Quiz - Sepalika

Confused Why You’re Not Getting Pregnant?

Take our Fertility Facts Quiz

1. When it comes to fertility, age does not matter, as long as you are healthy

True ❌ See More Information »

False ✔ See More Information »

2. In today’s society, a woman’s fertility starts to decline at around what age?

25 ❌ See More Information »

32 ✔ See More Information »

38 ❌ See More Information »

3. A man’s fertility does not decline before he is 60

True ❌ See More Information »

False ✔ See More Information »

4. The average success rate for IVF in India is:

30-35% ✔ See More Information »

50% ❌ See More Information »

75% ❌ See More Information »

5. Hypothyroidism is a commonly overlooked cause of infertility

True ✔ See More Information »

False ❌ See More Information »

6. Passive smoking does not have any impact on fertility

True ❌ See More Information »

False ✔ See More Information »

7. A man’s weight does not have any impact on his fertility

True ❌ See More Information »

False ✔ See More Information »

8. Women with BMI over 25 have lesser chances of getting pregnant than healthy-weight women

True ✔ See More Information »

False ❌ See More Information »

9. A woman who has a usual 35-day menstrual cycle should have intercourse on what days to try to get pregnant?

21-23 ✔ See More Information »

12-14 ❌ See More Information »

Any day she chooses ❌ See More Information »

10. If I have regular periods every month, I should be able to get pregnant easily.

True ❌ See More Information »

False ✔ See More Information »

11. Taking OCPs for family planning or for hormone balancing does not impact fertility

True ❌ See More Information »

False ✔ See More Information »

You got XX correct out of 11. Well done!

Fertility can be confusing!

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Not sure if this is for you? Listen to what others had to say… @Tejas: Can you make this an auto sliding testimonial section like we have on home [age – same design. Use as many or as few as design allows. “For 12 years I tried every treatment possible. Only your team told me that I had low thyroid function, which was not visible in my blood test reports. My baby is 3 months old now!” Jane, 36. “No one told me that not having a gallbladder could hamper my chances of having a baby! You did, and you helped me fix it. Thanks for my beautiful baby girl.” Shweta, 28 “I went through injections ,IUI,IVF, laparoscopy , ovarian drilling…nothing worked. After we identified and fixed my protein and fat digestion issues, I conceived naturally.” Manasi, 29 “Why do normal doctors not know about insulin resistance causing infertility? I got my first natural period after 5 years, when you diagnosed and reversed my fatty liver. …and then next month, I conceived!” Rochana, 27

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All things Fertility explained in simple language. Check out our blog and our videos. Blog link is to website articles Videos link is to YouTube Fertility Playlist. SA to create list. For now, pls link to Sepalika’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQwgDPmM4Gj-Zqtr-F325RA

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