What are the best natural treatments for Acid Reflux?
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Acid Reflux Questions

What are the best natural treatments for acid reflux?

Jul 25, 2016

There are a lot of good answers already available, on how to prevent acid reflux through better diet, food habilts, etc. so I’m going to focus very specifically on “natural treatments”

Most people who use antacids or proton pump inhibitors do so because they desperately want relief from the “burn” that comes with the acid reflux. Heartburn is the symptom you feel when the acid, which rightly belongs in your stomach, sloshes back up your food pipe.

Antacids work rapidly, often instantly, quelling the acid. That’s why they sell so much. But antacids also cause harm with long term use. They interfere with the absorption of key minerals and vitamins from food, leading to weak bones, poor nerves and more, something that most people are not even aware of.

One natural treatment alternative is something called a Raft Forming Alginates. A combination of sea alginates (seaweed) and carbonate (soda), RFAs act within 60 seconds of entering the stomach. They create a “raft”, a temporary physical barrier that prevents stomach contents, including burning acid, from going back the wrong way. Since they do not “dampen” natural stomach acid production, they do not cause nasty side effects like Proton Pump Inhibitors.

There are other natural treatments– from Nature’s medicine chest – that you can use to combat acid reflux effectively. All the best.

Read More: How to get rid of Heartburn

Sharda Agarwal
Sharda Agarwal is a qualified Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioner & a Certified Blood Chemistry Analyst. She first used dietary supplements to overcome a debilitating migraine she suffered for years. Since then she has studied the subjects of nutrition and nutrients extensively. She uses this to manage the health of her family at home and with Sepalika.