8 Low-Carb High-Fat Myths You Should Ignore | Sepalika
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8 Low-Carb High-Fat Myths You Should Ignore

Sep 18, 2017

Low-carb diets are pretty awesome. The research is very clear on them — they can treat, prevent and even reverse a variety of chronic ailments like Obesity, Diabetes Type 2, PCOS, and Metabolic Syndrome, to name just a few.

That said; there seems to be a lot of dogma concerning low carb diets, particularly the LCHF or Low Carb-High Fat diet. LCHF can sometimes get flak for being impractical, restrictive, unsustainable, unhealthy in the long run, and much more. Now, I can imagine all the thoughts going through your head. All those arguments that prove LCHF is not sustainable and could actually do your body harm in the long run, right? Time to bust some of those Low-Carb High-Fat Myths!

8 Myths About Low-Carb High-Fat Diets You Shouldn’t Believe

Myth #1: You Will Completely Eliminate Carbs From Your Diet

Truth: LCHF is different from a Keto or Ketogenic diet, though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. LCHF stands for Low Carb-High Fat; not ‘No Carbs’. You can still eat carbs (from good sources, though) as long as you keep it below 100gm per day. The lower the better. Carbs from fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and dairy are all allowed.

Myth #2: You Will Eat Far Too Many Animal Proteins

Truth: An LCHF diet is not a high-protein diet. Thus, it’s suitable for everyone, irrespective of their activity levels. You eat moderate amounts of proteins from organic, lean cuts of meats. There aren’t any excess proteins here to affect kidney and liver health.

Myth #3: You Will Miss Out On Nutrition

Truth: LCHF diet is varied, and includes a complete range of whole foods. In fact, it’s a lot less restrictive than other diets. Because all it essentially cuts out from your diet is processed foods and refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta and rice.

Myth #4: Your Diet Will Be Severely Restricted

Truth: LCHF is not more restrictive than most healthy diets. Yes, it asks you to cut out a lot of products. But these are all essentially processed foods loaded with hidden sugars and inflammation-causing refined grains. You may not be able to fill up your shopping cart with a bunch of ready-to-eat food packets. But you are free to fill it up with fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, nuts, seeds and dairy products. Don’t put a tag on your diet if you don’t like it. But as soon as you cut out processed foods in your diet, it automatically becomes Low-Carb High-Fat Myths.

Myth #5: All Those Fats Will Increase Your Risk To Cardiovascular Disease

Truth: Eating a high-fat diet will not make you susceptible to heart diseases. In fact, scientists found that a low-carbohydrate diet is more effective for weight loss and heart risk factor reduction than a low-fat diet. According to them, restricting carbohydrate may be a better option for those seeking to lose weight and reduce cardiovascular risk factors. Research has found no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. On the other hand, reducing your carbs leads to lower levels of triglycerides, blood pressure, and LDL, while HDL improves.

Myth #6: You Will Feel Tired All The Time Without Carbs

Truth: Eating fewer carbs doesn’t mean you’ll feel tired all the time. Yes, glucose gets converted into energy, but we often eat far too many carbs. And most of the excess gets converted into body fat. On the other hand, dietary fat is a more sustainable fuel for our body than carbs. In fact, eating LCHF ensures you feel more energetic (goodbye sugar roller coaster rides!) and don’t have to worry about afternoon slumps.

Myth #7: Your Diet Will Be Lacking In Essential Dietary Fiber

Truth: Giving up processed and refined grains doesn’t mean you won’t get enough fiber. Because you know what has more fiber than processed grains —- Whole Foods!!! You still get plenty of fiber on LCHF from all the right sources – leafy greens, seasonal vegetables, fruits eaten with their skin, nuts, seeds, and coconut.

Myth #8: LCHF Diet Is Not Sustainable

Truth: LCHF is not a “Diet” but a “Lifestyle”, and that means it’s very much sustainable for life. You can read our tips on how to make LCHF sustainable and be the judge. Finally,  even if you follow the stricter Keto diet (carbohydrate intake restricted to 20-30gm/day) for a limited amount of time to treat health conditions like Obesity, PCOS, Prediabetes or Diabetes Type 2, it’s easier to transition to LCHF once you’ve reached your goals. LCHF is a clean, healthy way to eat for life.

However, we want to add that LCHF diet may not be the best choice for everyone. Some people really need to eat more carbohydrates for optimal function. But for those who can achieve incredible life-saving benefits of eating Low Carb-High Fat, let’s not distort the facts. It’s best to always discuss any dietary changes with your healthcare provider to know if it’s safe and will work for you.

Maneera Saxena Behl
Maneera is a health and fitness enthusiast who is also a firm believer in the power of dietary supplements. A health buff, she likes to help others improve their overall well-being by achieving the right balance between nutrition, exercise and mindfulness.


Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease – https://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2010/01/13/ajcn.2009.27725.abstract

Effects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets: A Randomized Trial – https://annals.org/aim/article/1900694/effects-low-carbohydrate-low-fat-diets-randomized-trial