5 Natural Ways to Heal PCOS Acne
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

5 Natural Ways to Heal Your PCOS Acne

Oct 17, 2018

Acne related to PCOS is generally focused on the lower third of your face, including the jaw, cheeks, neck and chin. The more common form of PCOS related acne is seen as tender knots appearing under the skin instead of the surface bumps commonly associated with acne. Many women experience these flare-ups during their period. Lets look at the natural ways to heal PCOS Acne.

Treating Acne Naturally Caused By PCOS

While there are several treatment options for PCOS related acne, here are 5 natural skin care tips help you heal your PCOS acne and allow your beautiful skin to emerge.

Cinnamon Supplementation

Heal Your PCOS Acne
Cinnamon Supplementation

Cinnamon supplementation is helpful in improving menstrual cycles in women who have PCOS. A study published by Fertility and Sterility in their journal indicates that cinnamon can help women with PCOS reduce insulin resistance.

Take a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and add it to warm water and drink it every day for a few months until you find your acne begin to fade away. If you prefer, you can sprinkle some powder in your yoghurt, sandwich, oatmeal or cereal.

Cinnamon is also available as a supplement in tablet form and you can ask your doctor if this will be helpful to you. The normal dosage would be one capsule of 1000 mg, three times a day.

As a precautionary measure, if you are taking cinnamon to fight insulin resistance, always consult a doctor first because it could lower your level of blood sugar.

Flaxseed Consumption

Heal Your PCOS Acne
Flaxseed Consumption

Flaxseed consumption helps in decreasing androgen levels and is useful in combating PCOS. It has lignans which help to increase the production of a sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This binds testosterone in the blood, preventing it from causing havoc in your body.

Flaxseed is also high in fibre which helps in lowering cholesterol and slowing down the metabolism of glucose. It also contains Omega 3 fatty acids which lower blood pressure, reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of contracting chronic diseases such as heart disease.

Mix one or two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds in some warm water and drink a glass daily until you begin to see some results.

Additionally, also add some ground flaxseeds to your diet by mixing it with smoothies, salads and soups.

Spearmint Tea

Heal Your PCOS Acne
Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea is also anti-androgenic and helps in dealing with PCOS by reducing excess body hair, testosterone levels and by increasing luteinizing hormone (LH).

Boil some water in a pan and add a teaspoon of spearmint leaves. Allow it to simmer for five or ten minutes. Then strain the tea and drink it twice daily. After a few weeks, you will find an appreciable change in your appearance.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Heal Your PCOS Acne
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps in controlling blood sugar and prevents your body from producing excessive insulin. Reducing the production of insulin results in less testosterone, making it beneficial for treating PCOS. In addition, it also helps with weight loss and improved overall health.

Mix two teaspoons of unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar with some water and drink a glassful every morning. Drink a glass before other main meals of the day. If you find the taste too strong, mix some orange juice or other fruit juice. Once you get accustomed to drinking the mixture, increase your dosage to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per glass.

You can gradually raise the amount of apple cider vinegar so you’re using two tablespoons per glass, two or three times a day. If the taste is too strong for you, mix the apple cider vinegar with orange or any other fruit juice.

Rosehip Oil

Heal Your PCOS Acne
Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is extracted from wild rose bush seeds, most commonly grown in the southern Andes. This oil is high in linoleic acid and low in oleic acid. The skin surface lipids of PCOS acne-prone individuals predominantly have higher concentrations of oleic acid and are deficient in linoleic acid.

Linoleic acid results in reducing the size of micro-comedones. The Rosehip oil also contains tretinoin, which is a retinoid that’s been helpful in the treatment of acne. One can also apply Rosehip oil directly to the skin without being diluted. Take two or three drops of the oil in your palms and rub them together. Apply the oil to the affected area and gently massage it. Rosehip oil is generally suited for sensitive skin, but it is best to test it on one part of the face, before using it all over.

These are just five natural skincare tips you can try out at home to heal your PCOS acne. If you are considering any herbal remedies, make sure of consulting with a doctor or naturopath to ensure if it’s safe for you, because no two people have the same body composition and you need to ensure what you’re trying out is safe for you.

Make note, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition which affects around 12-18% of women who are of reproductive age. Diagnosis of PCOS can be complex because of the many symptoms and few women show exactly the same set. Moreover, while the name, polycystic seems to suggest that a patient will have several cysts on their ovaries, not all women suffering from PCOS have multiple cysts. The cysts are also not what they mean in their true form, but are partially formed follicles, each of which contains an egg

Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS is believed to be caused by high levels of the male hormone androgen circulating in the body. Women produce a small number of androgens in their ovaries, adrenal glands and tissues. High androgens levels prevent ovulation which affects the menstrual cycle.

Insulin resistance is another factor which is thought to be a contributing factor in developing PCOS. Insulin is a hormone required to control blood sugar in the body. When some parts of your body become resistant to insulin, more insulin than normal is required to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Higher levels of insulin can affect the functioning of the ovaries, especially egg and hormone production.

Women with PCOS often demonstrate one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Acne
  • Weight gain and obesity
  • Irregular periods
  • Excess facial hair and hair on the chest, back and other areas of the body
  • Dark patches of skin on the neck and back
  • Impaired fertility or infertility caused by irregular periods

PCOS and Acne

While in men, overproduction of testosterone is a contributing factor to acne, an increased production of androgen caused by PCOS’ connection to insulin insensitivity is linked to the flare-up of acne.Your body relies on signals from the pituitary gland for producing the right quantities of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. PCOS causes a disruption to these signals.

An absence of these signals sent by the pituitary gland, causes a drop in progesterone-estrogen levels, while testosterone levels increase.

Aiza Tordil
Aiza Tordil is a beauty and health blogger from Love Thyself offering helpful advice on healthy living which she practices to keep looking healthy and attractive. She is passionate about sustainable living and always up on the hottest natural and organic skincare trends. Ultimately, she hopes to tell stories that strike a chord with people and provide them the importance of using only natural and organic products.
Aiza Tordil

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