Stomach Acid Production 6 Natural Ways To Increase
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Acid Reflux

6 Natural Ways To Increase Stomach Acid Production

Jun 3, 2017

Stomach acid performs a lot of critical functions in the body such as absorption of nutrients & minerals, digestion of proteins and killing bad microbes. We look at some natural ways to increase the production of stomach acid.

Try Apple Cider Vinegar for Stomach Acid

It is a great way to balance out acid levels in your stomach. Take 1 tablespoon right before meals with little water. Raw and unpasteurized variety is recommended.

Eat Consciously

Good acid production happens when eating is a relaxed & conscious process rather than a haphazard one. Food should get the respect it deserves. Sit back, relax and enjoy your meal, and not have it alongside watching TV, reading books or other activities.

Avoid Processed Foods for Stomach Acid

Remember to stick to natural wholesome foods and avoid foods loaded with preservatives & artificial flavors. Here is another tip to increase the production of acid: Next time you go buy salt, try a mineral rich rock salt rather than the regular one.

Chew Food Properly

For some of us, life is a race and slowing down is a crime! One of the hazards of a fast-paced life is not giving enough time to chewing food properly. Most of us are not aware that the way we chew food is directly connected to healthy  acid levels and improved overall health. Chewing food 25-30 times is ideal for most people. Along with improving acid production, it enables better absorption of nutrients too.

Try Some Honey for Stomach Acid

Manuka honey is considered to be beneficial for increasing the production of  acid. A teaspoon twice a day should help raise the level of acid production.

Have Ginger for Acid

Ginger is an effective remedy for improving digestive juices. Using ground ginger in foods or drinking ginger tea twice a day works well for the stomach. Fermented ginger works well too.

Sharda Agarwal
Sharda Agarwal is a qualified Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioner & a Certified Blood Chemistry Analyst. She first used dietary supplements to overcome a debilitating migraine she suffered for years. Since then she has studied the subjects of nutrition and nutrients extensively. She uses this to manage the health of her family at home and with Sepalika.