Enhanced External Counter Pulsation or EECP is a Medicare insurance-approved therapy. Studies show that just EECP alone will relieve about 80 percent of angina (chest pain when your heart doesn’t get enough blood.) Let’s understand EECP heart treatment in detail.
In an earlier article, we discussed how heart attacks are not caused by blocked arteries. This is based on the work of cardiologists Dr.Knut Sroka and Dr.Thomas Cowan. These doctors are part of a growing band of M.D.s who are beginning to look for the real reasons for heart attacks, including something called loss of Heart Rate Variability, which translates into having too much stress, without enough release. So, if blocked cardiac arteries don’t cause heart disease, why should we worry about opening up new ones?
Reason number one: Conventional treatment uses stents and bypass surgeries to open up large cardiac arteries. We believe that is not needed, since nature builds bypass arteries by itself – really thin new arteries. These arteries literally “bypass” the blocked artery and continue the supply for fresh blood to the heart. But this does not mean that we can’t give Nature a helping hand. Especially if the way we do this is non-invasive, effective and safe.
Reason number two: If you have diabetes or chronic inflammation, which most people with cardiac concerns do, that will eventually deteriorate your small blood vessels (capillaries), reducing this built-in protection. So again, if you can help Nature speed up the process of opening new capillaries, in a safe, non-invasive way, it makes sense to do so.
This is how EECP works. You go into the clinic and lie down. Pressure cuffs, the kind that are used when measuring your blood pressure, are fixed on your thighs and calves.
When your heart is in the relaxed part of the beat, the diastole, the balloons inflate, squeezing the blood. This opens up tiny capillaries, which otherwise lie dormant. The inflation of the cuffs is synchronized with your heartbeat through the EKG, so the procedure is very safe. Rather than bypassing one or two large arteries by using bypass surgery, through EECP you create thousands of new capillary beds that supply even more blood than the bypassed vessels.
Each session is about an hour long and you need around 35 sessions to benefit properly. It has insurance approval for angina in most parts of the world. The effects typically last for five to eight years. The only people in whom new collateral vessels open up to supply blood to the heart is in extreme endurance athletes. So EECP is an amazing way for heart patients to receive the cardiac benefits of extreme endurance exercise while lying down.
There are exceptions. If the angina is unstable or if the blockage is in the proximal LAD artery, EECP is not recommended. But barring these, most other angina patients, especially those with other chronic diseases like diabetes should consider EECP seriously. Empower yourself with the knowledge and speak to your doctor today. Wish you vibrant health and
But barring these, most other angina patients, especially those with other chronic diseases like diabetes should consider EECP heart treatment seriously.
Empower yourself with the knowledge and speak to your doctor today. Wish you vibrant health and well being!