Getting pregnant always begins with ovaries, uterus, sperm and semen health, right? And yet, when all this is ok, why are so many couples still struggling to conceive? As someone who has helped countless women get pregnant naturally, I will present a very different view. I’m going to begin with a short story. No Fruit: […]
There are a lot of misconceptions about women’s ability and risk associated with getting pregnant after 35, but we should dispel these myths and address the real issues. With the huge amount of conflicting data on the subject in the mainstream medical community, getting pregnant in your 30’s may seem like a daunting or impossible […]
Introduction Infertile couples may have more than one cause for infertility. When planning a pregnancy, or trying to figure out the cause for infertility, your doctor may require both the male and female partners to run through tests. While female fertility tests involve bloodwork to test hormones and ovulation, male fertility tests revolve mostly around […]
Introduction Fertility tests are an essential aspect of fertility evaluation and treatment. For women, experts recommend an infertility evaluation if you have not gotten pregnant after one year of having regular sexual intercourse without using birth control. If you are older than 35, an evaluation is recommended after 6 months of trying. Your regular gynecologist […]
If you have been trying to conceive, chances are that you’ve heard of vitamins for fertility that don’t just nourish your body, but also increase your chances for getting pregnant. While most pregnant women are put on prenatal vitamins, you don’t have to wait until you’re pregnant to reap the benefits of fertility supplements. In […]
If you have been trying to have a baby naturally for sometimes now, chances are that you are on the lookout for a good fertility clinic. Truth be told, fertility has become a booming business in India. This actually comes as no surprise, considering the increasing infertility rates in our country. Statistical analysis has shown […]
Fertility is defined as the human body’s natural capacity to conceive a baby. And honestly, most of us take it for granted. You have your monthly period, so assume that you can get pregnant easily. Right? Sadly, fertility doesn’t come easily to many of us. Infertility is the inability to naturally conceive a baby after […]
Today, medical doctors say that Type 2 diabetes is completely reversible. In a video titled “The Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes”, Jason Fung, M.D. makes a very bold assertion. He says “Diabetes is not a chronic, progressive disease. It is completely reversible; not only that, it is very quickly reversible.” Take a minute. […]
It’s a brave new world. Technology is changing our lives at a pace that is crazy. We’re surrounded by cell phones, tablets, smart watches, Bluetooth, wifi and every other conceivable convenience. Our poor bodies, that have been unchanged for at least 10,000 years of recorded history, have had no chance to keep pace with the […]
From making the correct food choices to doing exercise and reducing stress levels, there is a lot that can be done to maintain good eye health.
Inflammation usually occurs when our body is trying to protect us from harmful substances (through white blood cells.) But, a prolonged state of acute inflammation (which becomes chronic in nature) can cause health problems. The right nutrients such as vitamin C can help you in fighting inflammation. Let’s understand the connection vitamin C and inflammation. […]
Women suffering from PCOD tend to have a tough time going through hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, increase/fluctuation in androgen and insulin levels, obesity etc. In allopathic medicine, oral contraceptives, progestins and medicines that reduce male hormones remain the standard therapies, but these bring a host of side effects with them. Ayurvedic kitchen medicines, used safely […]
Sheila sits uncomfortable, with sweat beads lining up her brow. She wonders when the others will notice that she is literally burning up. Can they see it? Did it suddenly get hot in here, or is it just her? Just one minute ago, she was perfectly fine, chatting with her colleague in the conference room […]
Natural supplements help your system rebalance itself and help you get rid of constipation.
When Mahesh Jayaraman, co-founder of Sepalika and Acupressure Therapist, studied a 2000-year old acupressure technique called Varmam in South India nearly a decade ago, his teacher would extol the virtues of washing one’s face with cold water first thing in the morning. It seemed intuitively right to Mahesh then, because it made him feel fresh […]
How many times do you chew every mouthful? It’s a question that most of us are unlikely to have an answer for. We barely pay attention to what we’re eating, let alone how many times we are chewing! And yet, there are many who believe that the secret to great health lies in how many […]
Millions of people across the globe suffer from occasional or chronic heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD.) The most commonly used treatments are over-the-counter and prescription medications aimed at reducing the amount of stomach acid. However, it turns out that regular use of these medications, particularly proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), may be anything but harmless. […]
Here are the best healthy vegetable Juice Recipes. They are a great way to accelerate your weight loss and deal with those crazy hunger pangs. Fruit and veggie juices can help you pack in a punch of nutrients in your diet. They also help in liver detox and liver cleanse so that your body flushes […]
A: Determining whether a woman is healthy based solely on their body weight is tricky. It is possible for many women to weigh “healthy” (in terms of pounds or kilos), yet have an unhealthy percentage of body fat. Body Mass Index or BMI is a very good indicator of whether you need to lose (or […]
Hair loss is a universal problem that is faced by women all over the world. Hair loss can be triggered by a number of causes such as stress, pollution, results of medications used for diseases like cancer etc. One of the common causes of hair loss among women is a hormonal imbalance. Let’s look at […]
Women in the prime of their reproductive age are increasingly facing a common health problem – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS.) 1 out of 4 women in India have PCOS. The unhealthy modern lifestyle, stress from various fronts (work, education and family), and improper dietary habits are all contributing factors to PCOS. It is extremely important to […]
A: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that is often connected to too much blood sugar and insulin resistance. A low carb diet for PCOS helps in addressing the root cause of this health condition. Let’s understand how. Too much blood sugar leads to too much insulin. Too much insulin leads to too much testosterone, […]
Green tea is “liquid magic” for women with PCOS. Several studies have indicated the benefits of green tea for PCOS in reducing its symptoms. First of all, green tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants. PCOS is a chronic condition in which oxidative stress plays a major role. Antioxidants in green tea help in lowering this stress, […]
A healthy snack as a pick-me-up with coffee or tea goes a long way in energizing you during work hours without interfering with your health goals. Most of us make the mistake of reaching out for that bag of chips, or jelly beans or KitKat (Because we are having a break, duh) or other kinds […]
Ans. The biggest problem with PCOS women is their inability to get pregnant because they don’t ovulate as frequently as normal women do. But even if they do conceive, their chances of carrying the baby on to full term are, unfortunately, less than normal. Miscarriage rates are high in pregnancies of PCOS women. This is […]
It’s that time of the year when most of us want to start the new year with a fresh and clean slate. Every year, millions of people across the globe set New Year resolutions with the hope of bringing a positive change in their life. For those looking to improve their health, the start of […]
One of the underlying cause of PCOS is elevated levels of male hormones or androgens. While a female body also produces androgens, their levels are usually very low acne. However, in PCOS, there is an overproduction of androgens. This causes a lot of the PCOS symptoms like excessive hair growth, called hirsutism (especially on the […]
Bilberry belongs to the blueberry family. It is commonly used in jams and other additives. Just like the other berries, bilberries possess many properties that benefit our health. The use of bilberry for eyes has many benefits. Let’s find out why bilberry is an excellent food for healthy eyes. Rich In Antioxidants Bilberry is rich […]
Yes, it is likely. Polycystic ovaries are seen in women with hypothyroidism. PCOS’s and hypothyroidism have many symptoms in common, such as “anovulation” i.e. menstruation without releasing an egg. Some believe this is a possible cause of PCOS if anovulation is long term with its related low progesterone. Other common symptoms of the two conditions […]
The perfect snack for in-between-meals hunger cravings, to easily carry with you as your commute breakfast, or to add to your evening smoothie — pumpkin seeds are filled with nutrients. Packing in a punch of fibers and a number of antioxidants, they’re also quite filling while giving you a number of health benefits. What’s more, they […]
According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, hormonal contraceptives or birth control bills increase the risk of breast cancer. The risk is seen even in newer birth control pills, which supposedly, have lower doses of hormones. The study, which was done in Denmark, involved nearly 1.8 million women under […]
Ans. Yes, you can ovulate even if you have Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS.) PCOS is a complex disorder and there are still disagreements among the medical community on how to classify it. The Rotterdam criteria is the most widely accepted way of diagnosing PCOS. To diagnose PCOS, a patient must have two of the following […]
We all know of someone who suffers from asthma. While there’s no special diet for this lung disorder, there is one nutrient that could possibly reduce asthma occurrences – Vitamin C. How Does Vitamin C Help Patients Of Asthma? Being an antioxidant, this vitamin reduces the effect of oxidative stress on the body. Studies have assessed […]
During your periods, it’s natural to feel lethargic, sleepy and low on energy. However, a lot of women don’t seem to give in to those feelings. Let’s find out why it’s important to rest during periods. Low Energy During Periods: The Ayurvedic Explanation In Ayurveda, the menstrual cycle is treated as a cleanse. It is […]
In the past few years, there has been a lot of debate around the consumption of milk and its potential health benefits. Some health experts advise to stay away from milk entirely, while some may advise to have only specific types of milk, say cow’s milk. A1 and A2 are the two types of cow’s milk […]
You might be wondering what’s the connection between diabetes and vision. Research suggests that diabetics are vulnerable to five kinds of eye diseases, viz. diabetic retinopathy and papillopathy, cataract, glaucoma, and ocular surface diseases. If you’re a diabetic, you need to get regular eye checkups done to ensure these ailments are diagnosed and properly treated. […]
What makes PCOD difficult to diagnose and treat is that it can affect several body systems. While most of us are aware of symptoms like acne, weight gain around the abdomen, painful or irregular periods, hair fall, too much body hair and even inability to get pregnant, there are 30 symptoms that someone with PCOD […]
It’s been around for nearly 2000 years. According to, the oldest known text specifically on acupuncture points, the Systematic Classic of Acupuncture, dates back to 282 A.D acupressure for pcos Acupressure is the non-invasive form of acupuncture, which uses “pressure” applied by magnets, fingers, or seeds instead of needles. By stimulating certain points on the […]
Who would imagine that when the little butterfly shaped gland in our neck goes out of whack, it can, potentially, trigger system-wide effects in our bodies
World Heart Day is a nice way for all of us to remind ourselves of the one muscle in our body that works 24×7: Our heart. What if we told you that one of the simplest things that you can do for your heart is right here, in your hands? There are tens of thousands […]
It’s World Heart Day – and if research is to be believed, it’s the best day to bring out those dancing shoes! Researchers from Western Sydney University and the University of Sydney followed 48 thousand people over ten years to figure out how exercise affected their health outcomes. At the start of the study, none […]
Before I share the 4 most important heart health tips, let me start by acknowledging one of my many teachers. The tips I am about to share with you are things I have learnt from Dr.Tom Cowan. Dr. Cowan is a cardiologist who understands diseases and healing the way few physicians do. Heart Health Tip […]
Is saturated fat good for you? Yes, it is. Then why does it attract so much negative attention? Let’s try and understand this through an analogy of a daytime TV soap. It’s a grand story that could put the most over-the-top Mexican and Hollywood scriptwriters to shame. The Writer-Director-Producer of the soap is the processed food lobby. […]
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be a complex condition to diagnose. This is one disease wherein the symptoms actually vary dramatically from person to person, making it harder to identify. The list of PCOS symptoms is rather long. The name of the condition is a bit misleading too. It suggests that all women with PCOS […]
Do you know that acupuncture help provide relief from constipation? Acupuncture is a therapeutic method used in many Asian countries to treat various health conditions. It involves the insertion of fine needles into certain parts of the body. This helps in stimulating some points on the ‘energy-channel meridians/lines’ along the body. Acupuncture For Constipation’s: Understand How […]
Goitrogens is a familiar term for patients suffering from goiter or abnormal growth of thyroid hormones. For those who don’t, they are substances that disrupt the production of thyroid hormone. They do so by creating problems in the absorption of iodine in the thyroid gland. Goitrogenic Foods And Thyroid: Understand The Connection Too much of goitrogens […]
Do you have sugar cravings and then feel guilty about overindulging in sugar? Sugar cravings can often get out of hand, and it is important to know how to stop them. Let’s find out 4 dietary supplements to stop sugar cravings. Magnesium Magnesium plays an important role in lowering insulin resistance. In a study conducted in Newfoundland, […]
Are you a vegan and wondering how to get your proteins without eating meat? Being ‘vegan’ does not mean losing out on vital nutrients. Let’s look at a few sources of proteins for vegans. Sources Of Protein For Vegans Lentils Lentils contain 18 grams of protein per cooked cup or per 240ml. They can be […]
Are you looking for diet tips to improve your heart health? Let’s find out why garlic is an excellent food for your heart. Garlic For The Heart: 4 Reasons Why It Works Breaks Down Blood Clots Fibrinolytic Activity or FA is the process in which blood clots are broken down in the body. Consumption of garlic […]
You probably knew that high sugar levels in the body could trigger conditions like diabetes and obesity. But did you know that recent studies have revealed a connection between excess sugar and Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s is caused by the collection of protein tangles in and around the brain cells. These protein tangles are toxic to the nerve […]
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease. In such a disease, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks body’s own joints. This leads to inflammation and pain in and around the joints. If left untreated, most patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergo a progressive disability. Over time, this leads to loss of mobility and damage to the joints. There […]
Do you struggle with abdominal cramps, bloating, back pain or headaches around your periods or are your periods irregular? Have you been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)? What about the darkening of skin around the neck, elbows and armpit? For most of us women, this is not uncommon and we end up trying many skin cures […]
Anorexia nervosa is a serious disorder that can lead to severe complications, including death. People affected by this condition intentionally refuse to eat food. There’s no cure for this potentially life-threatening disease. However, alternative treatments such as acupuncture can help in dealing with this condition. Acupuncture is a Chinese medicinal technique. It involves sticking needles […]
“Cut out the fat if you want to be fit!” Isn’t this what you have been hearing all your life? But did you know that branding all fats as ‘bad for your health’ is a myth that needs to be busted. While it’s true that too much fat is unhealthy, going to the other extreme […]
Inflammation is the root cause of a host of health conditions. Arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes are some diseases linked to chronic inflammation. Among other things, poor diet is one of the causes of inflammation. Anti-inflammatory foods can help in reducing the damage caused by inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce the risk […]
Suffering from menopausal symptoms? What if you knew that a single herb, shatavari for menopause, could take care of all your menopausal symptoms. Shatavari is a wild variety of asparagus. It has been used in Ayurveda for centuries as a female reproductive tonic. Shatavari can be a natural alternative to HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy. […]
Thiazolidinediones (TZD’s) are widely prescribed for controlling blood sugar levels in the body. One of the side effects of TZDs is an increase in Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein is a small blob; it has cholesterol at the centre and an outer layer of lipoprotein. In simple words, LDL is bad cholesterol and high […]
57 and a half hours. That’s how long my latest fast lasted. My wife is a Jain and this is the period of holy fasting for followers of this religion. I decided to join in, as much for the health benefits as for the spiritual calmness it brings. Fasting And Religions: Everyone’s Got Their Own […]
A common advice given to anyone suffering from constipation is to “eat more fiber.” But is fiber good for constipation? Fiber adds bulk to the food and stool formation. So, in general, it is considered as a cure for constipation. However, the role of dietary fiber in treating constipation may be overrated. What’s The Difference Between […]
Did you think you had to resort to drastic measures for weight loss? Not if you drink enough water in a day. So how much water should you drink for weight loss and at what times? Let’s find out. Research shows that drinking about 500 ml water 30 minutes before a meal helps middle-aged and […]
Have you ever wondered why your parents warned you not break the seal of any medicine? Storing dietary supplements and vitamins properly is extremely important, as it affects the efficiency of the nutrients in the supplement. Once the seal is broken, and if not consumed within a certain time limit, the supplement will become vulnerable to […]
If you are undergoing going menopause, more often than not you’d be struggling with a number of difficult symptoms, such as mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats etc. What if we told you there are some natural solutions that could help you ease the symptoms? Instead of opting for risky procedures, such as hormone replacement […]
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a common type of autoimmune arthritis that causes chronic inflammation of smaller joints (like the hands and feet). There are treatments to reduce pain and inflammation, but as the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Here are a few ways you can prevent RA from striking too hard. Get Exercise […]
A protein bar is a nutritional supplement that provides protein and other nutrients for your body. However, not all protein bars are healthy.
Magnesium is a mineral that the body needs in abundant quantities. Hypomagnesaemia (a deficiency of magnesium) is frequently seen in patients with diabetes, and magnesium supplementation can help them. However, there are different types of magnesium supplementation. Let’s find out why magnesium citrate is the best for diabetes. How Are Magnesium And Diabetes Related? Magnesium […]
Traditional coconut-growing cultures have given fresh coconuts and everything in them – the tender coconut water, coconut milk and cold pressed virgin coconut oil
If you’re suffering from heartburn, you could cut back on the salt and see if it helps.
Most people rely on conventional options, such as Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) or antacids, for treating their GERD or acid reflux symptoms. Sadly, people are not aware of the side effects associated with long-term use of these medicines. Among other things, they adversely impact the absorption of nutrients that are essential for good health. We look […]
Heartburn related to GERD can be accompanied by bloating of the stomach, as well as regurgitation (which is also experienced as a “wet burp”).
Smokers are known to have slow digestion, which means that insufficient digestion causes the food to remain unprocessed.
Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin, which keeps the body’s blood clotting abilities in optimum balance.
Does diet affect asthma? Yes, food allergies can trigger asthma.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects cell membranes from damage caused by free radicals
For women, the biggest changes in life happen during menopause. This phase can be difficult and unsettling for them as they experience many hormonal changes.
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, which come with many health benefits, such as fighting inflammatory diseases and heart disease. Though there are 11 types of Omega-3 fatty acids, there are three that are essential for our body. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Types, Benefits, And Foods to Consume Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): According to a 2004 study, EPA […]
Do you or someone you know feel constantly tired or unable to bear cold environments? These are among a few symptoms of hypothyroidism that a lot of people don’t pay attention to
Diabetes insipidus is not a form of diabetes, but is a rare condition where a person suffers from frequent urination and increased thirst
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique of cleansing and detoxifying the teeth and gums.
Arthritis is a very common and painful disease of muscles, bones and joints. Although it can happen to anyone irrespective of sex and age, it is diagnosed more commonly in women and old people.
A water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in the development and maintenance of connective tissues in our body.
Diabetic Nephrology basically means kidney damage resulting out of poor diabetes control
Strength training and impact exercises such as lifting weights, walking or running can help offset decline in bone mineral density that occurs during and post menopause.
There is no definite age at which the drop in testosterone level begins, but it happens most commonly between 40-60 years of age.
Diabetes is caused by diet and lifestyle, and can be fixed through changes to diet and lifestyle. If you change the way you eat, sleep, work and exercise.
Most of us have received vaccination at least once in our lives. Vaccines help the body in developing immunity against certain diseases, and doesn’t seem to cause any direct harm , right? Well, we can’t be so sure. Some vaccines could cause side effects, and therefore their usage has been a topic of controversy, lately. But, should they […]
Brahmi has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is said to remove heavy metals and amyloid from the brain. This is one of the reasons why it is being tested to protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
Have you ever wondered if Senna is actually helping you or causing you more harm?
Glyburide and glimepiride are considered second-generation sulfonylureas and are the most commonly used compounds in anti diabetic medications. Of the many side effects it can cause, increased risk of cancer is one that diabetics are most afraid of.
Practiced for centuries in Asian countries like India, this therapy works on the basis that body gains vitality and resilience, and increases its immune power, through controlled stress caused by the cold water.
Many side effects are attributed to sitagliptin. Some are minor like headache, nausea, hypersensitivity and skin reactions. However, some health complications are serious and potentially life-threatening.