Supplement and Vitamin Storage Ideas - How to Preserve Them
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Living Well

The Right Way to Store Dietary Supplements

Aug 25, 2017

Have you ever wondered why your parents warned you not break the seal of any medicine? Storing dietary supplements and vitamins properly is extremely important, as it affects the efficiency of the nutrients in the supplement. Once the seal is broken, and if not consumed within a certain time limit, the supplement will become vulnerable to external conditions. And it will become less beneficial for the human body. All dietary supplements and vitamins should be properly stored to ensure that their properties remain intact.

Basic Rules to Be Followed While Storing Vitamins & Supplements

Store Them In A Refrigerator

Omega-3 fats like fish oil or supplements, which are probiotic, should be stored in the refrigerator to preserve their shelf life. Cold temperatures preserve fat molecules, and prevent them from going bad.

Avoid Storing Them in The Bathroom Cabinet or Kitchen

With temperature and humidity in both these areas rising and falling consistently, it is better to avoid storing your Vitamin supplements in either the bathroom cabinet or the kitchen. This particularly applies to some of the vitamins prone to degrading in humid conditions, such as the water soluble vitamin B, vitamin C, thiamine, and vitamin B6. Also, opening and closing the cap of the bottle would allow moisture-laden air to stay trapped within, leading to further loss of nutrients.

Use A Dark Container For Storage

Store your Iodine supplements in a dark airtight container to avoid it from undergoing a photo decomposition reaction (a reaction where the chemical compound is broken down by photons.) The amount of light that the solution is exposed to should be minimized to ensure these supplements remain useful.

Store Them In A High, Dry and Cool Region

The best place to store any dietary supplement is a place that is at a considerable height, to avoid children from reaching there. Also, it is advisable to store your supplements in a dry and a comparatively cooler region, where humidity levels are controlled and temperatures remain consistent. Preferably use air tight containers.

Keep Them in Your Bedroom

With few fluctuations in temperatures and humidity, your bedroom is the best place to store all kinds of dietary supplements. However, make sure that you keep them away from windows and bathrooms as well as away from children and pets.

Mahesh Jayaraman
Mahesh is a hormone health counsellor & holistic health expert. He has a Mastery Certification in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis from the US, is certified in Functional Nutrition from Washington State University and uses a wide array of healing modalities to guide his clients to vibrant health and well-being.
