The Ultimate List of Home Remedies for PCOS | Sepalika
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The Ultimate List of Effective Home Remedies for PCOS

Sep 3, 2020

PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome is one of the most common hormonal disorders that women are facing today. Surprisingly there are a huge percentage of women who are going through this disorder and are also fighting it back. But there are alternatives to popping a pill, which are home remedies for PCOS. Many may not know but the solution to your PCOS may be right there in your kitchen!

Most Effective Home Remedies For PCOS:

Coconut Oil

home remedies for pcos
Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most easily available ingredients at home and it’s a great home remedy for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

You can consume up to one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil every day. You can have it straight up or add to your daily smoothies or even salads.

How does it help?

As it contains medium chain fatty acids, it helps to regulate blood sugar levels and insulin secretion.

How often can you take it?

You can safely consume virgin coconut oil every day

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Sepalika PCOD Program

Struggling with PCOD symptoms?


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Cinnamon is used in everyday cooking and is one of the most versatile home remedies for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

You can have up to one tablespoon of grounded cinnamon or one stick of cinnamon per day. It has a slightly sweet pungent taste so you can add it to your daily smoothies, juices or even add it to your cup of green tea!

How does it help?

It gives your metabolism a boost by calorie burning and helps in insulin sensitivity & stabilizing blood sugar.

How often can you take it?

You can have cinnamon powder once to twice a day, every day.

RELATED ARTICLE: 14 Amazing Herbs That Lower Blood Sugar

Fenugreek Seeds

home remedies for pcos
Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek, more commonly known as methi is one of the most helpful home remedies for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

Soak 3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight in water and have it thrice a day — on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also have it before lunch or dinner.

How does it help?

In PCOS, there is a production of excessive testosterone as the insulin secreted by pancreas is not utilized by the tissues in the body. Fenugreek helps in stabilizing the insulin level and glucose tolerance. It also regulates hormones and in turn helps to keep testosterone in check.

How often can you take it?

You can have it thrice a day, every day.

Basil Leaves

home remedies for pcos
Basil Leaves

Basil leaves, more commonly known as Tulsi leaves are easily available in every Indian household and are one of the oldest home remedies for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

If you have a plant, you can eat at least 10-12 freshly washed basil leaves every morning on an empty stomach. If you can’t consume it on an empty stomach, you can have water boiled with basil leaves throughout the day.

How does it help?

Basil leaves help to control the androgens that are not utilized due to the lack of ovulation and also stabilize insulin levels. It’s also an excellent antioxidant which means that you can have great skin too!

How often can you take it?

You can have 10-12 leaves a day, every day.


home remedies for pcos

Honey is one of the sweetest home remedies for PCOS, literally and effectively too.

How much should you consume?

Mix one tablespoon of lime juice with two tablespoons of organic honey, a cup of warm water and have this in the morning. Don’t have it on an empty stomach as this can mess up your insulin stability.

How does it help?

PCOS can cause your hormones to mess up and cause obesity. Honey helps to keep it in check that can help to treat future problems due to PCOS.

How often can you take it?

You can have this once or twice a day, every day.

Indian Gooseberry

home remedies for pcos
Indian Gooseberry

The Indian gooseberry, more commonly known as Amla is one of the most nutritive and best forms of home remedies for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

Squeeze the juice of one-two amlas till you get ½ cup of juice. Dilute it with one cup of water and drink this anytime in the day, preferably in the morning.

How does it help?

It’s a great detox agent which helps in restoring hormonal balance in your body. It also helps to stabilize your cholesterol.

How often can you take it?

You can have it once a day, every day.

Cumin Water

home remedies for pcos
Cumin Water

Cumin, or jeera, is an Indian spice that is used in every day cooking and is one of the most easily available home remedies for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

Take one teaspoon of grounded cumin with a cup of water and have this mixture twice a day.

How does it help?

Cumin helps to regulate sugar levels that in turn help to stabilize insulin. It is also an anti-oxidant that helps to detoxify the radicals from the body and stabilize hormonal processes

How often can you take it?

You can consume grounded cumin or this mixture twice a day, every day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

home remedies for pcos
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is considered to be the first choice for a number of women to conquer PCOS and is one of the leading home remedies for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

Mix two tablespoons with one full glass of warm water and have this on the empty stomach. Never have this undiluted and always have it in 1:2 ratio (ACV: Water/Juice). If the taste is too strong, mix it with orange juice which will help curb the taste. Try and increase the frequency to 2-3 times a day gradually.

How does it help?

Apple cider vinegar is an ultimate hormone balancer and pH booster. It helps to regulate the insulin levels in the body and can help to curb PCOS.

How often can you take it?

Have it one to two times a day, every day. Try and increase the frequency gradually to see the effects.

Green Tea

You can call it the super food of the last decade. Green tea is known for its anti-oxidant properties for years through the Chinese tradition and now is one of the leading home remedies for PCOS.

How much should you consume?

Brew fresh green tea leaves in boiling water or a bag of green tea in a cup of hot water for 3- 4 minutes before consuming. Make sure that you add the green tea only after the water is off the heat. Check for different brewing temperatures for different types of green teas. If the taste is too strong for you, you can add in a teaspoon of organic honey as well.

How does it help?

Green tea is an antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates metabolism making it one of the most effective home remedies for PCOS. Green tea contains high levels of polyphenols that help prevent cellular damage which in turn affects woman’s androgen level.

How often can you take it?

You can consume green tea three to four times a day, every day.

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Other Lifestyle Changes To Keep PCOS Under Check:

No Processed Foods: Say no to anything out of a packet even if it says ‘baked’ or ‘no sugar’ on it. If it’s in a packet, it means it has preservatives and chemicals which will harm your body.

Include Iron-Rich Food: Spinach, lentils, kale, garden cress seeds (halim seeds) are all very rich sources of iron.

Work it Out: Start exercising if you aren’t! Keeping your body active is extremely essential in PCOS. Even 20-30 minutes of exercise 5-6 days a week will help you in the long run. Pilates, yoga, walking or even bike riding are great exercises for PCOS.

Want To Explore More? Checkout Sepalika Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) Program

Apoorva Pagar
Apoorva is a health & well being enthusiast who believes in eating fresh and eating right. She's an obsessive dancer who also enjoys an occasional yoga and boot-camp class. She is willing to spend hours hunting down a healthy but delicious smoothie!


Coconut Oil Source: Cinnamon Source: Source: Fengreek Source: Basil Source: Honey Source: Indian Gooseberry Source: Jeera Water Source: ACV Source: Green Tea Source: