Can you get pregnant with endometriosis - Sepalika
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Can you get pregnant with endometriosis

Dec 8, 2022

How to Get Pregnant with Endometriosis

Endometriosis makes it hard to get pregnant. Conception problems happen because the endometrium or the lining inside the uterus grows in the wrong place – fallopian tubes, ovaries, or pelvis. This results in inflammation in the pelvic region where your reproductive organs are. Fallopian tubes or ovaries become scarred or damaged. So, when an embryo forms, it is unable to travel to the uterus as the tube may be blocked. If the uterine lining is affected in endometriosis, the embryo is not able to implant itself on the uterine wall, causing a miscarriage. Chemicals released in endometriosis can damage the egg & sperm. Endometriosis might also cause a woman’s immune system to attack an embryo instead of trying to protect it.

Which takes us to the big question: Can you get pregnant with endometriosis? It’s hard but  not impossible. To try for natural pregnancy, here’s what you must do: 

  1. Get your thyroid hormones to an optimal level. (not just normal, but optimal). Studies have shown a strong link between endometriosis and reduced levels of thyroid hormone in women. Diet & supplements can help here. 
  2. Exercise. This will not just strengthen your body & muscles but your entire endocrine or hormone system so even with endometriosis, you increase your chances of pregnancy with better quality hormones. 
  3. I mentioned how endometriosis can trigger an immune reaction. You can add some key nutrients to build your immunity: Vitamins A, C & D, zinc, & probiotics.
  4. Endometriosis causes intense inflammation & pain within the body. To bring that down & improve chances of  pregnancy, you must cut out inflammatory foods like sugar, cooking in refined oil, gluten including maida from diet, & add specific nutrients to reduce inflammation like Omega 3. This will help you reduce pain as well as improve the chances of a fertilized egg implanting successfully within the uterus.
  5. Endometriosis is a hormonal issue. And unless the hormones are balanced & healthy, you may struggle to conceive. The role of diet in building your hormones is HUGE. Getting the precise macros – proteins, good fats & complex carbs – will reduce the hormonal imbalance. Most of us tend to overeat our carbs – bread roti or rice – & undereat proteins, especially.  

My Final word: The severity of endometriosis, what doctors call as stages – plays a big role in chances of fertility. But what is certainly in your control is to build your foundational health to such an optimal level so you counter the effects of endometriosis & improve your chances of conception.

5 Tips for Conception with Endometriosis

Add anti-inflammatory foods to diet: vegetables, seeds, nuts

Include Omega 3 foods: EPA/DHA supplement, oily fish

Eat cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower, turnip

Move everyday: walk, yoga, swim, play a game

Avoid: sugar, refined oils, maida


Endometriosis makes it hard to get pregnant. Fallopian tubes or ovaries become scarred or damaged or the tube can get blocked. If the uterine lining is affected, the embryo is not able to implant itself, causing a miscarriage. Endometriosis might also cause a woman’s immune system to attack an embryo instead of trying to protect it.

Which takes us to the big question: Can you get pregnant with endometriosis? It’s hard but  not impossible. To try for natural pregnancy, here’s what you must do: 

  1. Get thyroid hormones to an optimal level. (not just normal, but optimal). Studies have shown a strong link between endometriosis and reduced levels of thyroid hormone in women. Diet & supplements can help here. 
  2. Exercise. This will not just strengthen your body & muscles but your entire endocrine system for better quality hormones.
  3. I mentioned how endometriosis can trigger an immune reaction. Add key nutrients to build your immunity: Vitamins A, C & D, zinc, & probiotics.
  4. Endometriosis causes intense inflammation & pain within the body. To bring that down & improve chances of  pregnancy, cut out inflammatory foods like sugar, refined oil, and gluten. Add specific nutrients to reduce inflammation like Omega 3. 
  5. Endometriosis is a hormonal issue. The role of diet in building good quality hormones is HUGE. Getting precise macros – proteins, good fats & complex carbs – will reduce hormonal imbalance. 

My Final word: The severity of endometriosis plays a big role in chances of fertility. But what is certainly in your control is to build your foundational health to such an optimal level so you counter the effects of endometriosis & improve your chances of conception.

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