Sepalika Editorial, Author at Sepalika

About: Sepalika Editorial

Our team does extensive research on every topic published on the website. The team has several decades of experience in health care and uses this to sift through the available research and bring you the most authentic, usable information.

Posts by Sepalika Editorial:

  • BCPS not an answer to pcos & infertility, 10 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Contraceptive pills are not a solution to PCOS if you’re trying to get pregnant. These pills stop ovulation from happening and prevent your ovary from releasing an egg – exactly the opposite of what you want in trying […]

  • How Can you Improve Good Cholesterol for Fertility, 10 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) 70% of cholesterol is made by the liver. 30% comes from food. So, to improve good cholesterol levels, you will need to do 3 things: eat foods that strengthen the liver, add good fats for the dietary cholesterol […]

  • Gluten Free for Fertility, 09 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Should you go gluten free to get pregnant? 1st understand that you can get pregnant more easily when your digestive health is good & your body is not inflamed internally. Gluten is a popular villain today because it […]

  • Avoiding 1st trimester miscarriage, 09 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) 1st trimester miscarriages happen because of chromosomal, progesterone, or thyroid issues, or nutritional deficiencies.  On the Sepalika Fertility program we have helped women with repeated miscarriages take their pregnancy safely past the 1st trimester. How? The best results […]

  • Do Diet Plans Work, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Eat keto to have a baby. Do intermittent fasting or a low carb  diet. Websites or INSTAGRAM videos are full of these. As someone who has worked on women’s hormones over so many years, my practical experience tells […]

  • Breasftfeeding & Pregnancy, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Many women use breastfeeding as a form of birth control. Pregnancy chances does fall because breastfeeding lowers the levels of 2 hormones necessary for ovulation and pregnancy to occur – GRH & Luteinizing hormone. But breast feeding is […]

  • Bad Breath & Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Most of us think bad breath comes from mouth bacteria; so, we just brush or gargle more often. But when this persists, there’s a deeper issue at play. The real cause is poor gut health – an imbalance […]

  • 3 Nutrients to Increase Libido, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) When you’re deep in a fertility journey, sex can be…unsexy! To get the ovulation fire going, here are 3 nutrients you can have to improve your moods & blood flow (you as in both you & your partner) […]

  • Cysts is not PCOS, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) ONLY Cysts on Ovaries is NOT PCOS Most women think they have PCOS because their ultrasound report showed cysts on ovaries. But this is not correct at all. To be diagnosed with PCOS, you need to meet 2 […]

  • How PCOS Affects Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) 70-80% of women with PCOS in the reproductive age group face the struggle to get pregnant.  In PCOS, excess production of androgens or male hormones interferes with the natural process of ovulation, leading to abnormal menstrual cycles and […]

  • How to Improve Egg Quality in Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Most women & their doctors worry about egg count – ovarian reserve or AMH. But more than the count, because you only need one egg to get pregnant, its the egg quality that is the real boss in […]

  • How to Prevent Miscarriage Risk, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Most early miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormalities, beyond the control of the lady or couple. BUT there are some risk factors that can trigger a miscarriage which are in your control: uncontrolled diabetes, both hyper & hypo thyroidism, […]

  • 3 Foods you need to absolutely avoid when trying to get pregnant, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) 3 Foods you need to absolutely avoid when trying to get pregnant

  • Does Cholesterol Affect Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Does Cholesterol Affect Fertility? Unfortunately made a villain, here are Cholesterol facts you must know: Sadly, there’s a HUGE myth around cholesterol. Doctors ask heart patients to avoid eggs, ghee & eat low oil foods because these contain […]

  • Foods Your Ovaries Love, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Your ovaries do 2 big jobs for you: They produce & release eggs for fertilization and they secrete 3 main reproductive hormones: estrogen, progesterone & testosterone. So keeping them healthy & strong is your job for them(with the […]

  • Alcohol & Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Nothing like unwinding at the end of a day or week with a glass of wine or whisky. Or the new trend – gin. But if you’re trying to get pregnant, I’m talking to both the lady both […]

  • Folate or Folic Acid When Trying to Conceive, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Vitamin B9 also called Folic acid or folate is critical for development of the neural tube and central nervous system of the foetus. Women who are trying to conceive should take this AND continue it during the first […]

  • 5 Common Fertility Issues Medicine Overlooks, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Traditional fertility doctors focus so much on just the ovary & uterus in a woman, they miss out on some very important factors that can hugely increase a couple’s chances of getting pregnant.  #1 Good gut health: If […]

  • Why a Low Glycemic Diet Works for Fertility in PCOS, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) A majority of women with PCOS face insulin resistance and elevated blood sugars. Insulin resistance or Excess insulin makes the body promote testosterone production over estrogen production. It makes women ovulate irregularly or not ovulate at all which […]

  • Should you Avoid Soya if trying to get pregnant, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Soya or soy is a common protein substitute, particularly for vegetarians or vegans. Most people have it in the form of soy granules, soybean oil, soya flour or soy milk. There’s been conflicting research on soy’s impact on […]

  • Eating Color for Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) The colors in your vegetables come from phytochemicals – which are full of Vitamins like A, C or K, antioxidants, minerals like potassium – all of which will build healthy egg & sperm. To make the most of […]

  • Cosmetics & Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) All of us love looking good. Who doesn’t appreciate a nice shade of lipstick or nail color? But between nail polish, lip color, kajal, eye shadow and foundation….that’s a lot of chemicals we are putting on ourselves. And […]

  • Low AMH IVF only option, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) So many women have told me they have been advised IVF by their doctor as their AMH is low. While I agree low AMH impacts your overall fertility window, you can still get pregnant naturally even if AMH […]

  • Thalassemia Minor & Fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) I get many calls from women who are  thalassemia minor. They feel they can’t have a baby because their body makes less hemoglobin than normal which can lead to complications. Yes, fertility can be a challenge sometimes. The […]

  • Root Cause Infertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) 2 out of every 3 IVF cycles fail. Doctors are unable to address this because their work begins and ends with the reproductive system. No conventional fertility expert looks at your health foundations that can be the root […]

  • How to improve progesterone naturally, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Progesterone has a very important role in fertility as it helps build your uterine lining where a fertilised egg can embed itself. Miscarriages often happen because of low levels of progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone, there are no […]

  • How air pollution affects fertility, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) Multiple studies that covered more than 20,000 women & couples who lived in moderately polluted environments showed that there was greater risk for not becoming pregnant or infertility. Why does this happen? Pollution damages egg and sperm production, […]

  • What is Fertility Diet, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) What is The Fertility Diet? I get a lot of messages asking for an ideal fertility diet.  BUT there is no “perfect” fertility diet. Each woman or couple comes with their own health history & fertility experience. We […]

  • The Fertility Diet, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharda & Mahesh | Natural Fertility Experts (@sepalikafertility) The Perfect Fertility Diet While there is no Perfect Diet in Fertility because each woman or couple comes with their unique health history which requires a customized diet plan for them, I’m sharing with you my basic principles […]

  • Can you get pregnant with endometriosis, 08 Dec 2022 in Social Post

    How to Get Pregnant with Endometriosis Endometriosis makes it hard to get pregnant. Conception problems happen because the endometrium or the lining inside the uterus grows in the wrong place – fallopian tubes, ovaries, or pelvis. This results in inflammation in the pelvic region where your reproductive organs are. Fallopian tubes or ovaries become scarred […]

  • 8 Foods to Avoid When Constipated, 24 Jul 2018 in Constipation

    The main cause of your constipation problem or feeling constipated can be right on your dinner plate. Unfortunately, most of the foods on a typical American plate can lead to constipation. Obviously, a balanced diet is what can keep your bowel in great health. Fiber is one of the most reliable nutrients that can keep […]

  • Home Remedies For Acid Reflux During Pregnancy, 12 Sep 2017 in Acid Reflux & Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

    Many women experience acid reflux during pregnancy, perhaps for the first time in their lives. It is estimated that acid reflux occurs in 30-50% of all pregnancies. Let’s find out the causes of and home remedies for acid reflux during pregnancy. Why is Acid Reflux Common During Pregnancy? During pregnancy, levels of a hormone called […]

  • Obesity And Its Collateral Damage To Chronic Illness, 05 Jun 2017 in Living Well

    If you weigh more than 20% of what your ideal weight should be, you are considered obese.

  • Don’t Let These 4 Diabetes Myths Interfere With Your Lifestyle, 18 May 2017 in Living With Type 2 & Type 2 Diabetes

    There are lot of myths, which can make things stressful for patients unnecessarily. Let’s look at some common diabetes myths

  • What’s The Connection Between Diabetes And Neuropathy?, 18 May 2017 in Complications & Type 2 Diabetes

    An estimated 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes are likely to develop some form of diabetic neuropathy. These estimates are made by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Neuropathy is a damage to the nerves caused by chronic high blood sugar and diabetes. Our body uses nerves for transmission of messages between the […]

  • What’s The Difference Between Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes?, 15 May 2017 in Basics & Type 2 Diabetes

    Do you really know the key difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

  • Not available outside India, 16 Nov 2016 in nocategory

    Thank You For Taking The Test We are very sorry that we are unable to include you in the PCOD Programme at this time. Currently, our program is open only to women living in India. As soon as we open up our International program, we will connect with you. The Sepalika PCOD program is currently able […]

  • Eligibility Results, 12 Nov 2016 in nocategory

    Thank You for Taking the Test. Your results show you do have Symptoms of PCOD But the Good News: PCOD is COMPLETELY treatable.  Ask us at Sepalika. We are India’s Premier Online PCOD Clinic. We have treated Hundreds of PCOD patients successfully. Some women have even gone on to conceive! Sepalika works differently. Not like your […]

  • Eligibility Results, 12 Nov 2016 in nocategory

    Thank you for taking the test We are very sorry that we are unable to include you in the PCOD Programme at this time.  Click here to know why. The Sepalika PCOD program is currently able to successfully treat women who: (a) HAVE confirmed PCOD as per international diagnostic criteria AND (b) DO NOT HAVE […]