How to Improve Egg Quality in Fertility - Sepalika
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How to Improve Egg Quality in Fertility

Dec 8, 2022

Most women & their doctors worry about egg count – ovarian reserve or AMH. But more than the count, because you only need one egg to get pregnant, its the egg quality that is the real boss in getting you pregnant. 

Yes, The number and quality of eggs are genetically determined & reduce as a woman gets older. BUT the environment in which the eggs are growing can be changed for the better by lifestyle factors.

  1. Keep your hormones healthy:  The right hormones are required in the right amount at the right time during the menstrual cycle to grow, mature and ovulate an egg. In turn, your hormones need fats & protein as fuel, they need you to sleep more and stress less and they need your blood sugar to be balanced – which means not feeling hungry within a couple of hours of eating a meal. Majority of the clients I see at Sepalika, have all these issues & what a difference it makes to ovulation when we address all this.
  2. Egg development needs micronutrients: Vitamin D is critical. So many of our clients seem to have normal Vitamin D levels as per a blood test report but it is not optimal to support fertility. Egg cells walls are made of lipids or fats. Ensure you get adequate Omega 3 for that. Your ovary is rich in iodine. Make sure you get enough of that. CoenzymeQ10 is a nutrient that can boost the eggs’ mitochondrial or energy function. You need B vitamins & zinc for healthy cell division in the ovary.
  3. I’m sure you’ve heard of the term free radicals which attack cells & speed up ageing. Everything in the body is made of cells – including your egg & the man’s sperm. Free radicals increase if either of you smoke, drink, or eat poorly. Make sure your plate at every meal has brightly colored vegetables & fruit. And have Vitamin C. All of these are antioxidants to battle your free radicals.
  4. Get blood flowing in the pelvic area. This will ensure the ovary which houses your eggs is fully nourished. You can do this with movement – exercise walk yoga – & regular massages.
  5. Release of an egg each month can be affected by stress. When a woman is chronically stressed, the part of the brain that releases hormones which, in turn, tell the ovary to release the egg, stop functioning correctly. And even if you ovulate under stress, fertilization & implantation become an issue. I’m not asking you to eliminate stress. But you need to manage it. How? 5 deep belly breaths whenever you’re in a stressed situation. Spend 10 minutes each day when you wake up. Sit quietly doing nothing. & 5 minutes of closing eyes & deep breathing just before bedtime. All super simple de-stressors.

Genetics certainly play a role in a woman’s egg quality. But you have the power to change that with lifestyle.

How to Improve Egg Quality in Fertility SHORT

More than the count, because you only need one egg to get pregnant, it’s the egg quality that is the real boss in getting you pregnant. So, How can you improve egg quality? 

  1. Keep your hormones healthy:  To mature and ovulate an egg, your hormones need fats & protein as fuel. Your blood sugar should be balanced – which means not feeling hungry within a couple of hours of eating a meal. 
  2. Egg development needs micronutrients: Vitamin D, Omega 3, iodine, CoenzymeQ10, B vitamins & zinc.
  3. Free radicals can attack your ovarian & egg cells. They increase if either of you smoke, drink, or eat poorly. You need antioxidants: have brightly colored vegetables, fruit And Vitamin C. 
  4. Get blood flowing in the pelvic area with movement – exercise & regular massages.

This will ensure the ovary which houses your eggs is fully nourished. 

  1. Release of an egg each month can be affected by stress. When a woman is chronically stressed, the brain will tell the ovary to stop functioning correctly because your body will prioritize your health 1st. Even if you ovulate under stress, fertilization & implantation become an issue. Practise belly breathing through the day. Just before bedtime close eyes & do 10 minutes of deep breathing.

Genetics certainly play a role in egg quality. But you have the power to change that with lifestyle.

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