Top 5 Yoga Asanas For Diabetes To Keep Blood Sugar In Check
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Diabetes and Exercise

Top 5 Yoga Asanas For Diabetes

Mar 31, 2017

How does Yoga help with Diabetes?

Yoga asanas stretch, twist and turn the lumbar and thoracic regions of our body, where the pancreas is located. This improves the production of insulin and lowers blood sugar.

Yoga also has a huge, positive impact on our parasympathetic nervous system. It reduces stress hormones, which are a major trigger for diabetes. When practiced well, yoga asanas massage the organs, improve blood supply and rejuvenate the cells.

Research shows Yoga works for Diabetes

Research shows Yoga works for Diabetes

Is There Research To Prove Asanas Work for Diabetes?

In a study among patients with uncomplicated Type 2 Diabetes who performed yoga asanas showed the following results –

  • A decrease in blood sugar and serum insulin levels
  • An improvement in lipid profile
  • A significant reduction in BMI (Body Mass index) and weight
Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) stimulates the pancreas

Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) stimulates the pancreas

1. Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation)

Because Suryanamaskar involves movement of the whole body, it gets the blood to circulate better. It also improves the functioning of the pancreas and increases insulin sensitivity. For best results, practice Suryanamaskar at a slow pace of 4 rounds per minute.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose improves digestion, burns abdominal fat

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose improves digestion, burns abdominal fat

2. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana is a great pose for burning fat from the stomach and waist areas. This is a very useful technique, especially for people with weight and obesity conditions. This pose also helps to improve digestion. For both these reasons, Trikonasana is a boon for diabetics.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of The Fishes Pose) massages the liver and spleen

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of The Fishes Pose) massages the liver and spleen

3. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of The Fishes Pose)

This seated twist pose works by strengthening the spine and the abdomen. Ardha matsyendrasana gently massages the liver to improve the secretion of insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar levels in the blood. This yoga pose also keeps the spleen and other abdominal organs in good shape.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) stimulates metabolism

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) stimulates metabolism

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This eighth pose of the Suryanamaskar resembles the raised hood of a cobra. It involves a deep backbend that works on core muscles, opening up the lungs and chest. Bhujangasana helps in diabetes because of its ability to stimulate metabolism.

Pashimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose) helps stimulate the pancreas and kidneys

5. Pashimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Pashimottanasana stimulates the functioning of the pancreas and kidneys. It helps in controlling weight and keeping a check on diabetes. As a forward bend, it stretches the hamstrings, back and leg muscles.

Getting Started with Asanas for Diabetes: Begin under qualified supervision

Getting Started with Asanas for Diabetes: Begin under qualified supervision

Getting Started

The role of yoga asanas as help to diabetics cannot be overstated. Keeping the body active and the mind stress free are the two cornerstones of treating diabetes.

If you are new to yoga, we’d recommend that you work with a trained yoga instructor to practice these asanas.

Also, do consult your doctor or health practitioner before beginning any yoga or exercise regimen.

Sharda Agarwal
Sharda Agarwal is a qualified Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioner & a Certified Blood Chemistry Analyst. She first used dietary supplements to overcome a debilitating migraine she suffered for years. Since then she has studied the subjects of nutrition and nutrients extensively. She uses this to manage the health of her family at home and with Sepalika.