3 Foods you need to absolutely avoid when trying to get pregnant - Sepalika
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3 Foods you need to absolutely avoid when trying to get pregnant

Dec 8, 2022

3 Foods you need to absolutely avoid when trying to get pregnant

  1. Refined oils of any kind – safflower, sunflower. Canola, rice bran, soyabean. Refining oils with chemical can disrupt eth endocrine or your hormone system responsible for reproduction. 
  2. Sugar – white & brown. Sugar not just raises blood sugar levels but is inflammatory in the body. Inflammation negatively affects egg & sperm quality and can cause PCOS & endometriosis. 
  3. Processed foods out of a box like cereals (even those markets as low fat), bread, ketchup, potato chips, quick cooking oats, & so-called low fat or baked snacks. These are concentrated calories with poor nutrition, they’re high in Omega 6 fats which is inflammatory, they have added preservatives or emulsifiers which affect your gut. These foods affect sperm morphology, ovulation & it takes a woman longer time to get pregnant.
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