Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) can be a telling sign of how fertile you are. But like all things related to pregnancy, there is usually more to the story if you look beneath the surface. In this article, we’re going to talk about AMH, how it can affect your pregnancy and what you can do to improve […]
You’re feeling very tired lately for no reason. Your bowels begin to act up. You’re snapping at others for no reason. Guess what? You could be pregnant! While the most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period, there are many other early symptoms that can help confirm you’re expecting. Early Pregnancy Symptoms to Watch […]
When a man ejaculates, he produces 100 million sperm cells, while a woman releases only one egg per month. Yet, a third of fertility issues come from men. How does Nature turn probability on its head? Hidden Causes of Male Infertility: What You Never Knew As a man, you’ve been told sperm disorders form the […]
Trying to have children? Are you using all the ovulation apps out there, but you’re still not seeing the two vertical lines on the pregnancy test? Are you ready to learn about your ovulation cycle? How Do I Know When my Fertile Window is? When are women most fertile? Traditionally, the days leading up to […]
You’ve been trying to have a baby for a couple of years without much success. You haven’t paid too much attention to it until now….when several of your friends have expressed similar concerns. For many urban Indian couples who are busy with their careers, sometimes the thought of having a baby gets put on the […]
From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, excessive menstrual or period pain is considered a condition of “stagnation.” Stagnation refers to a lack of energy (in this case, blood) flowing through an organ. With period cramps, stagnation is thought to lodge in the lower abdomen and become irritated or activated when the body tries to […]
Castor oil packs have been used for thousands of years, often as a cure for constipation and there is research support for this in scientific literature too. The ricinoleic acid in castor oil has the ability to irritate the intestines and cause a bowel movement. But traditional cultures have known that it had deeper healing […]
Women with PCOS typically suffer from hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance and problems with weight. These significantly increase the risk of infertility, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and affect the overall quality of life. Women with PCOS also face increased risk of generalized anxiety. Diet is a crucial part of reversing PCOS. While a low-carb, […]
Autoimmune Symptom Management Has Its Limits Hi, I’m Mahesh Jayaraman, Acupressure Therapist, Health Counsellor and Co Founder of Recently, a doctor known to me confessed that when she was in medical school, the chapter that frightened her the most was the one on auto immune diseases. In allopathic scientific literature, the whole family of […]
I don’t know where the car keys are! I don’t know what’s the current year or month. I am going to go in the room if we have guests over. These are common lines heard in the home of a patient with Alzheimer’s. How could this have started? Did the person show symptoms of depression […]
“I found that I was suffering from hypothyroidism at the age of 20. I frequently felt tired and short of breath which led me to the hospital. The doctors ran some tests and announced that I had hypothyroidism. I started losing my body shape, gaining too much weight. All efforts from my family, going to […]
Morning sickness is usually associated with pregnancy. Your body goes through a lot of hormonal changes while you are pregnant. One of symptoms pregnant women experience is heart burn. More often than not, we just ignore the acid reflux that comes along with the morning sickness; we never make a connect. Maybe it’s just the […]
Can’t catch a wink without that sleeping pills which has been prescribed? Does it lull you into the comfort of a perfect solution for your insomnia? Think again. Though sleep medications have genuine uses, they often do more harm than good. They may seem as a quick fix for sleep, but they cause serious health […]
We are always told to eat less salt. It raises your blood pressure, which, in turn, can lead to diabetes and heart attacks. Salt is said to be damaging to the kidneys. Too much salt leads to bloating. Etcetera, etcetra. The ’why salt is your enemy’ list is endless. Unfortunately, no one talks about two […]
If you think only food can cause acid reflux, you may be in for a shock as stress is a common acid reflux trigger. Stress can affect many gut functions, and we know that patients who are under a lot of psychological stress suffer from more severe reflux symptoms without necessarily having more severe reflux. […]
Insomnia is the condition wherein one has persistent problems of falling and staying asleep. Usually when you notice symptoms of sleeplessness, the most common advice is to reduce stress and get to bed at a fixed hour. Some would say sleep early, others might start popping pills straightaway. But like other ailments, Insomnia too has […]
Acid reflux is a gastrointestinal condition in which the stomach acid or bile juice tends to rise up the esophagus, thereby irritating the food pipe lining. Its chronic form is called GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). Causes of acid reflux range from a stomach abnormality called hiatal hernia to the more simple and common ones […]
Do you wake up in the morning with a terrible burning sensation in your stomach, Acid Reflux? Do antacids make a standard appearance on your work table? Do you feel something is rising up in your throat, especially after a heavy or spicy meal? If you answered yes to one of these questions, chances are […]
Almost every home in India knows about Chyawanprash. It’s an Ayurvedic preparation, traditionally of a paste consistency, had every day by all members of the family, except infants. Chyawanprash is a herb based formulation and health supplement that can benefit both men and women alike. It tastes sweet, sour and a tad spicy, and looks […]
Human anatomy is all about balance. It is all related. One has to attain the harmony between various facets of the body to keep it disease-free. The balance between your hormones plays the important role here as it drives your metabolism and thereby your blood sugar levels. The backstory of PCOD is elevated insulin levels. […]
Before we start explaining how to treat your PCOS Symptoms naturally with Acupressure Points and Foot Massage, let’s look at some facts. One in five women have PCOS globally. That’s huge! Ironically, almost 50% of the cases go undetected. Why does this happen? PCOS is a lifestyle disorder. Women are different and their lifestyles so […]
Women have access to so much information on health and wellness on the internet these days, yet our research found that many women have big PCOD misconceptions and myths surrounding their periods and Polycystic ovary syndrome. In this video we have put together for you, we will bust some common myths on PCOS. PCOS Means […]
Shravani is a class 12 student who was diagnosed with PCOD when she was just in class 7. She sits in the Biology class but often times her mind wavers around finding effective and innovative ways to treat her condition. The teacher teaches something about Millets and the importance of Millets in the diet of […]
I’ve often been asked about whether soy is good for women with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS.) It seems the controversy remains strong. Opinions vary about soy, from the ‘it is healthful’ side to the other end of the spectrum. Yes, people have told me sternly, soy is poison for PCOS. When we remove the passion, […]
Looking for a natural antihistamine for histamine intolerance? You might want to consider milk thistle. Milk thistle has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant. It is native to Mediterranean region and has been one of the most researched herbal plants for the treatment of liver diseases. Let’s find out how milk thistle helps in […]
There is an old belief that cholesterol causes heart attacks. What if we told you that belief is a complete myth? To paraphrase the words of Mark Twain, “What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” Find out why cholesterol is not […]
Ans: Yes. While the condition was discovered by researchers in women who had polycystic ovaries, the increased complexity of this syndrome has long been misunderstood. PCOS can also happen without ovarian cysts and insulin resistance (which is thought to be a key cause of the condition). You may have what is referred to as “Idiopathic […]
Studies suggest that there is a direct connection between asthma and sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a nighttime sleeping disorder, which is caused due to the low oxygen levels in the blood. This can result in loud snoring, breathlessness and even gasping, choking or gagging while sleeping. People with asthma are more prone to sleep […]
Ans: Yes. Increased weight, especially around the tummy, is harmful to PCOS. When you have excess fat deposited around the abdomen, it is usually stored around important organs such as liver, the pancreas, and intestines. This fat releases a protein that increases insulin resistance, a condition where your body is not able to properly utilize the […]
Did you know that we all need inositol (sometimes called as Vitamin B8) in small quantities daily? Among other things, inositol is known to help fight diabetes and PCOS. Let’s find out the list of foods that are high in inositol. 5 Foods High In Inositol Inositol is not officially recognized as a vitamin, because it […]
Most people ignore the direct connection between diet and mental health. Certain foods, such as probiotics, are known to improve mental health and work against conditions like depression. Find out more probiotics for depression. The Gut-Brain Connection Before we move on to understand the role of probiotics for depression, let’s understand the connection between the […]
Ans. – Yes, you can conceive using a combination of clomid and metformin. Clomid is a low-tech, lower-cost option than in vitro fertilization (IVF). Chances of conceiving with clomid are around 15% per month for about 3-4 months. Clomid treatment, however, should be continued for only about 6 months. After this, further clomid treatment yields […]
PCOS is a condition in which a woman’s hormones are not stabilized. In normal women, the ovaries produce hormones in quantities that are adequate for their health and well-being. However, the ovaries of women with PCOS produce hormones in more than desired quantities, and this imbalance is harmful. Yoga is an effective way of dealing […]
Clomid (clomiphene citrate or Serophene) is an oral medication that is commonly used for the treatment of infertility. clomid for pcos is given to try to induce ovulation in women that do not develop and release an egg (ovulate) on their own. Women who do not ovulate naturally are said to have a condition called […]
Ans. Yes. There have been studies done that conclude that metformin can induce ovulation in PCOS women. One study (probably the largest of the lot) found that close to 46% of women who took metformin ovulated as compared to 24% of women who ovulated without taking any treatment. The studies also underline the importance of lifestyle […]
Ans: While you might not have the classical symptoms of diabetes, you may be at risk of developing full-blown diabetes. While PCOS is caused primarily by too much male hormones, this in turn could be because you have too much insulin. Too much insulin can cause hormonal troubles in the ovaries, because it stimulates overproduction of […]
Every now and then, we come across headline news about a champion endurance runner dropping dead during a race. “Must’ve pushed himself too hard in the heat”, we say, and move on. If we pause just a little longer, there’s a bigger story, as large as the titanic, hiding just below the surface of the […]
Banana is one of the most popular fruits, which is loved by both kids and adults. It is widely consumed from breakfast to a quick snack or even a dessert. In spite of its popularity, you’ll hear a lot of people ask: Is banana really healthy? Well, the answer to the question is: Yes, bananas […]
Just like a blinking light warns you of danger on an empty dark road, prediabetes is a warning from your body. It indicates that your blood glucose levels are higher than normal. Prediabetes is basically an indication that you could develop type II diabetes if you are not careful. Research suggests that if left untreated, […]
People who are suffering from heartburn or acid reflux often find it uncomfortable to wear tight clothes. Let’s understand the connection between tight clothes and heartburn. 3 Reasons Why Tight Clothes And Heartburn Are Linked Exert Pressure On the Stomach: The stomach lies between the belly button and the breastbone. Tight clothes put pressure on […]
Did you know that turmeric is a remedy for several stomach problems? This wonder spice is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent but it works equally well for the stomach too. If you face stomach issues on a regular basis, you must definitely consider making turmeric your friend. Here are 7 reasons why turmeric works for […]
Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life that affects her both physically and mentally. Most women start showing symptoms like mood swings, inconsistencies in cycle length, hot flashes, insomnia and other sleep problems during the pre-menopausal and menopausal stages. Fortunately, women can find relief in two natural remedies: red clover and sage. How Red […]
Searching for some exercises for osteoporosis? Look no further! Before we move on to the exercises, let’s look at a few quick safety tips. Osteoporosis is a gradual decline in the quality of bones. So a good exercise regime for the condition should include different types of weight-bearing exercises that focus on re-building lost bone. Your […]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people in the world are suffering from depression. Chemical imbalances are considered as a key cause of depression. The disorder has been linked to problems with neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which play an important role in regulating our mood and drive to […]
Vaccination, or immunization, is a recommended form of protection against certain preventable diseases. But, the ingredients present in some of these vaccines can also harm the human body. There have been speculations among scientists on whether the mercury and aluminum found in vaccines can lead to Attention Deficiency Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The side effects of […]
If you’ve got a family member battling Alzheimer’s, you’re probably always on the lookout for new and proven treatments that can in any way improve the quality of the life of your loved one. Meet Dr. Mary Newport. An MD herself, she successfully treated and bettered her husband Steve’s Alzheimer’s disease with an unexpected ingredient […]
Do you know that coffee and migraines share a strange connection? Coffee can help reduce acute headaches almost instantaneously. But if you’re a regular coffee drinker and start avoiding coffee, you will end up getting headaches. Let’s find out how you can enjoy your coffee while staying away from headaches. coffee and migraines Seek Coffee […]
For anyone following developments in healthcare, it’s hard to ignore the debate around medical marijuana. But, is medical marijuana all good? It’s true that the therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana to treat functional improvements for autism and severe pain conditions cannot be negated. At the same time, we need to remember that marijuana is not […]
Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10, is a critical enzyme found in every cell of the human body.
The process of ageing involves a gradual decline of many of our bodily functions. Let’s try and understand whether age has an effect on acid reflux.
A typical adult needs 150 micrograms (not milligrams) of iodine per day.
consuming too much of magnesium, or taking the wrong magnesium supplement could make you end up with the runs.
Produced by the liver naturally and is also found in fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. Read on to find out why glutathione is essential for your body and the benefits of this wonder substance.
Been taking statins to lower your blood cholesterol? You need to be aware of concerns around statins increasing the risk of diabetes.
It’s also the best pose for practicing Pranayama and meditation.
Unlike most other yoga asanas, you are required to keep your eyes open while you practice Trikonasana to maintain balance.
Tadasana or Mountain Pose is the foundation of all standing yoga postures
Reclining Bound Pose helps increase blood circulation in the lower abdomen region and also relieves acid reflux and GERD symptoms
This ancient breathing technique also helps in balancing the breath, thereby reducing stress levels, which can be a contributor to acid reflux.
According to a recent report, functional foods and lifestyle changes can help in reversing Thin Outside, Fat Inside (TOFI). Functional foods are types of foods benefit an individual’s health in a targeted manner and they do more than just provide these people with basic nutrition. Thin-outside-fat-inside (TOFI) is a condition that is characterized by low muscle […]
Blurry vision is a common side effect associated with a prolonged use of Metformin.
If you’re at risk of heart disease or are currently dealing with heart disease, this new research may be just what the doctor ordered to inspire and motivate you.
Researchers are understanding just why broccoli sprouts have so many potent health benefits, additional research is being done to learn how we can harness more of this power
If you’re one of the few individuals to be diagnosed with CFS/ME, your treatment options primarily involve symptom management.
Certain food items which can improve fatigue, while other food items such as dairy products or gluten could have a detrimental effect on some patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
Some major contributors to chronic fatigue are lifestyle factors such are…
Chronic fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia are often used interchangeably, because a lot of its symptoms are similar to Fibromyalgia (FM.) Just like CFS, FM is also characterized by pain, fatigue and sleep deprivation. In fact, patients with CFS are often diagnosed with FM too. A study revealed 34% of patients with CFS also had FM. However, there are […]
The exact causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are yet to be identified, it is evident that women are more susceptible to CFS as compared to men due to stress, hormones, and their complex immune systems.
if you take calcium supplements along with levothyroxine, please ensure that you take it on an empty stomach with a full glass of water, and preferably at least 4 hours before or after you take your calcium supplements
Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when she stops menstruating, and is unable to get pregnant naturally. signs of menopause brings with itself several changes to a woman’s body. Periods Might become Irregular The most common sign of menopause is irregular periods. This stage is known as peri-menopause and can start to occur […]
Women who are diagnosed with PCOS at an early age are at a higher risk of developing diabetes and fatal heart issues later on in life.
In women, vascular damage affects lubrication, arousal and even the ability to orgasm. Diabetes also damages nerves, leading to a condition known as neuropathy, which affects libido and arousal.
Used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines, adaptogens have been known to cure various forms of physical, environmental and emotional distress.
commonly known as male menopause and occurs mostly in aging men. By the time they turn 50, they’re already facing symptoms that could have been treated, and even avoided to an extent.
Most people who experience GERD may need to make some lifestyle changes to stop discomfort.
If you are Histamine intolerant, you would know that many healthy foods are off-limits for you and your diet is mostly devoid of food items like citrus fruits, chocolates, alcohol, and refrigerated leftovers, among other things.
Diabetes plays havoc with the sexual capabilities of both men and women. In this article, we are going to understand how to manage diabetes-induced sexual dysfunction in men using natural remedies.
Using coconut oil is growing popular as one of the natural methods to whiten teeth and is beneficial for the health of the gums.
In 2015, it was estimated that 6.7 % of the American population above the age of 18 had faced at least one major episode of depression over the last year. So, how should one cope with an illness that controls their mind? Transcendental Meditation (TM) is known to have extremely positive effects on depression. Why […]
Things really start to turn around when your morning coffee is strong, your tap water running and your motion is in motion, right? But, what if it’s one of those bad days?
Astragalus, also known as sweet root, has been used in Chinese herbal therapy to build immunity.
While bad bacteria can cause illness, the right bacteria, such as probiotics, provide a lot of health benefits.
Choosing the right herb for treating asthma is best left to an Ayurvedic doctor